Premix 12 Cement Paste Mixer - Recoquip


New technology for the production of quality concrete

  • The Premix 12 concrete high-tech turbomixer is a system for the production of cement paste by mixing cement with water and additives.

    The Premix 12 prepares cement paste and discharges it into a truck mixer simultaneously with the aggregate feed. The truck mixer completes the mixing of the cement paste with the aggregates. The cement paste is fed into the truck mixer in such a way as to obtain a perfect distribution of the cement paste in the bulk of the aggregates, thus obtaining a homogeneous concrete.

  • One single batch can produce sufficient cement paste to load a 12 m³ truck mixer.
  • Highly accurate mixing and homogeneity of the concrete ingredients
  • Low electricity consumption (0.5 KVA per cubic metre)
  • Increased productivity with reduced water consumption and truck mixer washing time
  • Minimal site preparation required
  • Extensive access & maintenance platforms
  • Fully automatic control system
  • Multi-recipe for all concrete specifications