Designed for ease of operation and to provide the most efficient system for ensuring a high throughput of drummed bitumen.
Parker Drum Decanters and Melters are primarily used with asphalt mixing plants in territories where bitumen in bulk is either not available or regular supplies are unreliable and bitumen stored in drums is used as an alternative.
Parker 4DD | 6DD
The Parker type 4DD Drum Decanter is the most widely used equipment of its type in the world, capable of processing up to 4 tonnes of bitumen per hour.
Designed for use in association with bulk storage tanks the melted bitumen is automatically transferred from the decanter reservoir to the storage tank during the decanting process.
Also available is larger type twin rail 6DD decanter which is capable of up to 6 tonnes per hour.
Bitumen decanting solutions for remote locations
Hourly throughput up to 4 tonnes per hour
Hydraulically operated loading system
Ten drum trolleys supplied as standard
Direct oil fired and thermal oil heating options
Thermostatically controlled temperature
Float switch operated transfer of bitumen via pump
Fully insulated and clad heating chamber
Static or mobile decanters available
Easy to operate and simple to maintain
Parker Cartemelter MLT1 | MLT2
The Cartemelter MLT decanters are designed for use where lower daily outputs of bitumen are required and have the added benefit of a larger built in reservoir which can be utilised as a storage tank for the product.
The MLT 1 is capable of decanting up to 1 tonne per hour and has a storage capacity of 9,000 litres, the MLT 2 is capable of decanting up to 2 tonnes per hour and has a 16,000 litre storage capacity.
Ideal for use with lower output asphalt plants, to supply bitumen sprayers or other processes.
High degree of fabrication integrity
Reservoir capacities of 9,000 and 16,000 litres
Units capable of processing 1 and 2 tonnes per hour
Direct oil fired heating system
Thermostatically controlled temperature
High density insulation and robust external finish
Good access for operators
Easy to operate & require minimal maintenance
Skid mounted or mobile versions available
Rapid on site set up times/ pre wired and tested